🍁 Halloween Harvest Candles 🍁


Halloween Harvest Candles

"Equal dark, equal light
Flow in Circle, deep insight
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
The transformation of energy!
So it flows, out it goes
Three-fold back it shall be
Blessed Be, Blessed Be
The transformation of energy!"
-   Night An'Fey, Transformation of Energy

These limited-edition, lovingly crafted candles contain Essential Oils chosen especially for the season, as well as crystals, and other Earthly delights.
Frankincense: releases fear/meditative
Ylang Ylang: calming/peace/loving
Star Anise: wards off evil spirits
Patchouli: grounding/protection
Sage: All-knowing/Wisdom
Amethyst: Balancing/higher-self-consciousness/Magic Maker
Obsidian: Wards-off negative energy
Quartz: Master-healer/amplifies energy
Moonstone: Moon Magic/Higher Consciousness

Made with soy wax/VEGAN.
Infused with Essential Oils and crystals.
Use these candles for your Mabon/Equinox celebration.
Honor the darkness as we await the return of the light.
Blessed Be.
16 oz.